Relationship daughter/mother

Hello coaches,

I always try to please my mother and not to disappoint her. If I disagree with her, I have this thought that she will be disappointed with me if I don’t act as she said.
The reason why I think that is that, if I don’t act the way she wants me to, she tries to persuade me to behave differently, and gives me advice. If I still don’t act the way she wants me to, she says “it doesn’t matter” but she shows me how hurt or upset she is. That makes me feel guilty and I do what she wanted me to do. (or I don’t but I tell her otherwise).

Could you review my models, please?

My unintentional model:
C: my mother says I should tidy up my house in a certain way
T: she’ll be disappointed with me if I don’t
F: anxious
A: I tell her that I agree with her, I act as she says, (or I don’t act as she says but I tell her I did), I wish she didn’t put pressure on me
R: I’m disappointed in myself for not being honest

My intentional model:
C: my mother says I should tidy up my house in a certain way
T: my mother wants to help me
F: loving
A: I tell her that I appreciate her help and that I know how much she loves me but that I found another way to tidy up my house that suits me better

I have trouble finding the R line…
Do you this this new thought is appropriate? Would you have other ideas?