Relationship Model Result

I had a great 20 minute coaching session on this model, but I need a little more help wrapping the model up. This year I’m working to be more intentional with my models. I’m challenged with the result on my unintentional model.

Unintentional Model:
C: Boyfriend asked “Would you be ok if I had a married woman with kids from India share a house with me in Ireland?” And I said “No. I would not like that.”
T: It is wrong for me to put limits on his life.
F: Guilt
A: Spinning – incessantly mulling over my response
R: Not coming up with a result that proves my thought. I only come up with indecision being my result.

Intentional Model:
C: Boyfriend asked “Would you be ok if I had a married woman with kids from India share a house with me in Ireland?” And I said “No. I would not like that.”
T: It’s ok for me to communicate my preference and it is his responsibility to make his own decision.
F: Freedom
A: Let go of the conversation and comfortable with my decision.
R: I communicated my preference and he made his own decision.

Any feedback on my models is much appreciated. Thanks