
I would like some help with the thoughts and actions I need to get the result I really want in my IM. See the UIM and IM below.

C: 25 fails list exercise
T: I’m not smart or capable enough to be able to do this
F: confused (incapable)
A: avoid finishing it
R: escape fail-prove I’m not capable enough to do it

C: 25 fails list exercise
T: ?
F: confident
A: ?
R: I have created my path to being who I want to be going into Q2

I think part of the issue is I have this fixation that there’s a “right” way to do this list, i.e. there’s some magical fairy out there who knows exactly what 25 results I need to go after this quarter to achieve my impossible goal. But I’m pretty sure that’s not the case. I just want to do my best and get the result stated in the IM above. Any thoughts coach?