Role confusion – Swimming in the pool

I am in my first month of CCP and recently put out an offer to my former work site colleagues to coach them as they face C19 related issues.
I had a 20 minute coaching session and the coach suggested that I submit a model for further coaching.

Unintentional Model
C – A. has headaches and nightmares – I am coaching her
T – These are huge issues, I can’t possibly help her address them as a novice coach
F – Inadequacy
A – I tentatively offered to coach A; mind spinning, plan to state a disclaimer saying: I’m just beginning, practicing, give it a try, something is better than nothing; see that I want to make it better; undermine my confidence
R- – I’m letting myself down by undermining my confidence.

Intentional Model
C – A. has headaches and nightmares – I am coaching her
T – I decide how I want to show up as a coach
F – courageous
A – Get clear on my coaching role ie. not to change the C ; Do my self-coaching ahead of a session so that I create a “clean space” for this session
R – Show up as the coach that I want to be