Running out of Epic Fails

Hi Brooke,
The impossible goal I’ve chosen for myself is to replace my W-2 income with cashflow from investment properties. I don’t currently have any properties so it seems rather impossible to me given the 12 month time frame. I’m finding the epic fails challenging and have two questions:
1) Should I put strategies to overcome my objections down as actions even if I don’t think I’ll fail at them? For example, one of my objections is that I don’t stay committed to new projects/ideas for long enough. My strategy to overcome this is to calendar time for specific actions/results and honor my calendar. Would I make “mapping out time on my calendar” as an epic fail even though I’m confident I can do it?
2) I came up with 25 epic fails for Quarter 1 and feel as though I’ve exhausted my ideas. Is it ok to repeat some of them? They are listed below:

1-Read 25 real estate books
2-Spend ½ hour daily reading on Bigger Pockets forums
3-Post weekly on Bigger Pockets
4-Go to five networking events
5-Call M. and pick his brain about multi-family investments
6-Do daily thought downloads on my money fears
7-Listen to at least two real estate podcasts weekly
8-Watch at least one webinar weekly
9-Read about various investing strategies
10-Pick one strategy to commit to for the year
11-Do market research and visit two locations (including out of state possibilities)
12-Pick a target market
13-Interview 5 realtors in target market
14-Get MLS info sent to me for target market
15-Try one lead generator that I didn’t think I would
16-Ask S. if I can apprentice with him
17-Create a calendar for 1st quarter actions/results
18-Read everything I can on possible market crash/correction so I’m informed
19-Introduce myself via email to one new person on Bigger Pockets weekly
20-Sign up for 1:1 coaching for more support
21-Decide with husband whether we will purchase our own home or invest solely in investment properties
22-Research people who are doing what I want to do and ask 5 of them to partner with me
23-Look at 100 deals
24-Make 10 offers
25-Purchase one multifamily unit