SCS Take On Food Addiction

I am a two-months scholar and came here for overall personal development.
I come to you after being two years in other programs that see food for certain people as addiction. The reason I left was mainly because of the ‘penalties’ one needs to take if one eats forbidden foods.
So I was given all kinds of tests to check how susceptible I am to flour and sugary foods and it turned out that I am very high.
Reading other books that recommend to quit flour and sugar, they all describe how flour and sugary foods are not neutral, they create a biochemical effect in the brain that literally down-regulate dopamine and hooks the user on that food in an insatiable way.
These books and programs have scientific research to back these claims and so they become a Circumstance.

Since I joined here and watched your weight loss program I created myself a pretty similar food plan to the one I had in previous years and when I started playing with exceptions, I noticed that I am dragged down to overeating.

While I don’t like the label Food Addict, I am okay with the acceptance that certain foods (same as with cocaine) will create drug-like effects in my body that can get out of control for me and will make me want to overeat them all day long. So between me and my thoughts I don’t mind seeing a bagel and say – this food causes me to become addicted, no, thank you.

I wonder what is SCS take on addiction to food, since you seem to put so much emphasis on owning every thought and not taking on shaming labels.