Should I Stay or Should I Go – Work

Hi Brooke,

I have to say, you’re starting to be the voice inside my head and I love it! You’re like the real adult to us adults who are still emotionally functioning like children – haha!

Here’s something I’ve been thinking about lately – my current role. I am proud to say, I have earned a raises and received a promotion for two consecutive quarters and in May I got permission to work remotely in a different state to be with my boyfriend. I am proud of myself for everything I’ve earned and know I am good at what I do. I have been taking full advantage of being remote (working out in the mornings, showering once I get home, etc. This also has made following my protocol easier since I don’t have to pack a lunch the night before). Needless to say, I’ve been enjoying how flexible my life is right now.

Next month, is my 2 year workiversary, which has got me thinking. The company I’m currently working for is a “start-up” (we’ve been around for 12 years yet function/are managed like we’re 12 days old) software company and last year we didn’t make any money – literally the CEO called a meeting to go over financials about this. As we enter Q4 now, I’m not sure this year will be any different. The company has about 25 employees & is notorious for not paying employees well – I make 40k with weak benefits.

There are days I decide to be happy currently and enjoy my freedom and there are some days I feel I am just buffering from showing up in the world by doing what’s “easier”.

What I do know is, I want to shift industries and would LOVE to be part of an organization dedicated to wellness/self improvement/etc. that’s where my real passion is. I know I can use transferable skills like: Organization, Project Management, Communication, Strategic Planning, make this change. Fear is what’s coming up for me and I’m using “there are no magical companies, in my area, that are seeking an employee with my skills” as an excuse to not make this happen. I’m allowing overwhelm to take over and I’m aware of that. What I’m really seeking is advice or tactics you use to remind yourself – you got this & you are in control! I think it may be as simple as, change your thinking – BE CONSCIOUS – it’s just ironic how you have the consciously tell yourself to be conscious…..I think I need to continue the work on myself!

Any feedback would be so appreciated!