Still binging

I tried so hard to allow this last urge to binge, but again, it took over me completely. I can see what my brain is saying – it’s saying “you can’t handle this.” This is the thought that I continuously must be believing. I guess I really must believe it on some level, my brain keeps going there because it knows that thought will work.

C urge
T “you can’t handle this”
F helplessness
A. Eat food
R Prove I can’t handle it

I think I need a better thought. When my brain starts telling me over and over again that I can’t handle it, do I just observe? Do I talk back to it?

C urge
T this urge is NOT you, it is a foreign intruder, it will absolutely pass, you absolutely CAN handle it – you can feel hard things
F detached
A allow the urge
R prove that I can handle it and that it will pass

The other thing it says to me is that “this is never going to go away”.

C urge
T this is never going to go away
F panic
A eat food
R prove it never goes away

This one gets me every time. It’s like in that moment I truly do believe that something is wrong with my brain, and that the urge to binge will not go away unless I eat. I am believing that it will last forever.

A new potential thought…

C urge
T this is totally normal, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, everyone who has overcome bingeing has felt this way, including Brooke.
F relaxed, allowing
A allow the urge
R don’t eat

Is there anything else I can do besides this? I guess I’m going to keep learning this lesson until I get it right…