Sunday morning

It is Sunday afternoon and what I wanted to do with my day and how I saw my day did not happen.
We did not do the family walk, I did not do my routine, my son got fever, my daughter is pouting in her room.
Positive: we did the homework, it was a quiet day.
My thoughts are: this is an upside down day, I did not do what I wanted to do, everything is all over the place.
I have asked myself why? Being curious and wanting to understand, but it only feels like excuses for not planning properly.

I am wondering how I can be satisfied with my Sundays at home.
Here are my models, any comments would be useful.
I am not convinced by the new thought in my intentional model, maybe you can let me know what other thoughts you would suggest.

Here are my models:
C: Sunday morning
T: The day has started on the wrong foot
F: put off , destabilized, guilty
A: beating myself up, buffering with house chores, not doing what I wanted to do
R: Upside down day, bad mood

Intentional model:
C: Sunday morning
T: You can choose to have the best day
F: Centered, smiley
A: do things I want to do, to concentrate on what I do, be present
R: Best day

Thank you in advance for your thoughts