Teaching people how to treat me at work. (Part 2)

Thank you. That was a good challenge for me! Here’s ten of the models I did on the thoughts causing painful feelings for me right now.

C – I brought in 23 million dollars in less than two years.
T – I’ve set an unattainable bar for myself if I don’t keep working at the same pace
F – helpless
A – predict failure for each new project
R – slow myself down with doubt

C – I brought in 23 million dollars in less than two years.
T – I probably wouldn’t have brought in this amount without extraordinary pressure.
F – Grateful.
A – Tell myself I must need a frenzied pace to perform
R – Keep trying to get things done at the last minute if that’s when they’re handed to me

C – My boss listened to me and gave me a raise
T – I don’t want to be promoted at this company because everyone else seems even more stressed.
F – Anxious
A – Hide and minimize my contributions
R – Company leaders don’t know the value I create for the company

C – My boss listened to me and gave me a raise
T – I’m lucky to have this job & this boss, and I’m unlikely to find anything else as good
F – Hopeless
A – Turn down other offers and opportunities out of fear
R – Stay in my job but pretend I’m not choosing it

C – Meeting deadlines is the primary responsibility of my job.
T – I can’t keep doing this at the last minute, it’s killing me.
F – Exhausted.
A – Worrying about health impacts of missing sleep.
R – Spend a lot of time worrying.

C – Meeting deadlines is the primary responsibility of my job.
T – If I fail to meet a deadline, people will lose their jobs and important services will go away.
F – Guilty.
A – Berate myself.
R – Keep working nights and weekends to finish projects.

C – Coworkers sometimes give me grant components close to my deadlines.
T – I will fail if I don’t do excellent work in minimal time.
F – Scared
A – Pressure & berate myself.
R – Work through nights and weekends from a place of stress and fear.

C – Coworkers sometimes give me grant components close to my deadlines.
T – I’m a bad mom for constantly prioritizing my work deadlines on nights and weekends.
F – Guilty & sad.
A – Be resentful in my attitude toward my projects.
R – Don’t feel good about my job OR my parenting.

C – My workload will increase this spring.
T – I’ve already missed too much time with my daughter.
F – Sad.
A – Be resentful in my attitude toward work.
R – Don’t feel good about either my job or my parenting.

C – My workload will increase this spring.
T – I’m a stay at home mom on the weekends now.
F – Determined.
A – Show up ready to get absolutely everything done every weekday.
R – I complete everything within my power to complete (…but…)

So, here’s what I learned. 🙂 I am being intensely negative and victim-y about my work. Reading those C lines, it’s confusing why I was turning them into such sad and anxious thoughts, since I could totally feel proud, expansive, grateful, etc. about the exact same circumstances with different thoughts. It seems pretty clear that I’m the one treating myself disrespectfully, not others at work.


I honestly don’t see how cleaning up my thinking will change the circumstances at my job this spring. I think it will change my feelings, which I already know will improve my life generally! But I didn’t figure out what new actions I should be taking from those feelings in order to achieve the results I want. I can’t control the other people, obviously. Is it a matter of still working to meet the deadline regardless of when I get the components, but from a place of cleaner thinking? Or saying no to those situations, but from a place of gratitude for my job? The result I want is to do my work in an organized way that supports higher quality projects, bringing in even more $$ than I have before, and doing that without working on the weekends.

Thank you for everything.