Techniques for better time management

Hi Brooke,

In the last couple of days of thought downloads, I found myself more stressed with everything that I want to accomplish. It’s going to be a big year for me on many fronts, and I can feel the pressure mounting. I see three recurring themes in my thought downloads/models: (1) doing the right things; (2) doing those things in an efficient way; and (3) allowing for rest. I am a big big fan of Franklin Covey and purchased the web software to help me zero in on doing the right things. I am also starting to explore the Pomodoro technique for efficiency gains. I figure with these two tools, my brain might stop saying go-go-go, and I will be able to truly relax and rejuvenate when I schedule that time in my calendar.

You said several times that you schedule your days and stick to that schedule no matter what. You also said you aim for B- work to get things done in the time alotted which I find very compelling because I am a perfectionist. And you schedule your down times.

I was wondering if you used any specific time management tools and technique such as the Pomodoro technique? Any advice on how to transition from work to rest? As well deciding on doing the right thing given competing priorities?
