A thank-you, a confession, and a recommitment

Hi, Brooke! First of all, thank you so much for the beautiful and special Diamond gift! I was very touched by it, and I’m honored to have Diamond status. I’m also surprised to have Diamond status because the year has gone by so quickly and (true confession time) I have not been consistent or diligent about applying the principles and doing the work in 2017. Therefore, my results have not been great. (Wow, it’s almost as if there’s a correlation between doing the work and getting results! WHO KNEW.) I’m trying to be curious about that instead of angry with myself, disappointed in myself, ashamed, frustrated, etc. I’m recommitting, and I’m going to apply what I’ve learned in a joy-filled way in 2018. I’ve also never reached out to you for coaching on a call, and I want to understand why because it feels like such a wasted opportunity. I feel very self-conscious about being coached on a call, so I clearly have some thought work to do on that topic. 🙂 Anyway, thank you for an amazing 2017, and thank you in advance for the continued awesomeness into 2018. Happy new year!