Thanks for answer on Core Desired Feelings!

I asked previously about Danielle LaPorte’s Cored Desired Feelings program, and at first the answer didn’t quite make sense then BAM it snapped in place! Rather than create Results/New Circumstances that generation new Thoughts, that generate my CDFs, I can RIGHT NOW REGARDLESS OF CIRCUMSTANCES think thoughts that generate my CDFs. WHAT! WOW!

LaPorte’s question to us is, “What will you do, to feel the way you want to feel?” Now my question is, “What will you THINK to feel the way you want to feel?” And then “What will you do when you feel the way you want to feel?”

AND THEN: “Are those actions in line with your goals?”

My CDFs are Inspired, Connected, Accomplished, and Powerful.

I’m wondering if I should dig into WHY those are my CDFs, and because I used them to create goals — maybe I chose the wrong goals?