The ACTION in the model for a past circumstance

I’m doing the model for a past circumstance but I’m stuck when changing the action in the intentional part of the model.

C My father never read a love and forgiveness letter I wrote to him when I was 10 years old
T My father doesn’t love me
F Sad and unaccepted, loveless
A I’ll hide from my father, ashamed. He punished me by ignoring me at all.
R I didn’t felt the love and support of my father

C My father never read a love and forgiveness letter I wrote to him when I was 10 years old
T My father loves me a lot but he doesn’t know how to demonstrate it.
F Loved
A ???
R I have the love of my dad.

I don’t know if this is well done and in the action I have no clue what to put in