The Passionate Movie Scenes Trigger


I’m in a relationship as of 5 years and I love him but have a strong thought (and have the whole time) that he isn’t my sexual match.

He’s so wonderful, but there’s a part of me that really wants to be able to explore other dynamics and a dynamic where I’m super turned on and attracted.

C – Great supportive relationship, not a lot of desire
T – I am happy to be where I am in this relationship right now. I am grateful and feel that things are possible, even if I don’t see the way yet
F – Relieved, relaxed, excited, grateful
A – Continue to focus on my business, my health plan, my growth, and being the best me
R – Feel great and be a match to great experiences and expansion, however it happens

Ok, so this seems like a helpful intentional model!

But when I see a movie with a hot sex scene (esp when we’re watching together), I often break out in tears.

I guess the thoughts that pop up are “There is something wrong! I am wronging/lying to myself. I need to do something. What a tragedy that we don’t have passion / Oh no we will have to break up / What a tragedy! / Oh or I won’t be able to do it – oh what a tragedy too!” Haha… But it just happens so fast!

I guess the awareness I have asking this is that I can watch for these moments I wanna cry and remember what’s going on and choose the thought – I am happy to be in this right now with this wonderful person and with a great environment to focusing on being the best me I can. I can let the rest come together on its own.

I would be grateful for any further feedback here or ideas on how to catch this one before it zaps me!
Thank you!