Thought Download

Hi coach,

I know I see myself as a perfectionist, it’s often that I have this “all or nothing” thought in my brain. I also identified that I often need an acknowledgement for the people who I think, know better than me. Like when I was a little girl and needed a legitimation or an incentive that “Yeah you are doing it right, keep going on”. So I reproduce this about the thought download and the fact that I am not following the exact recommendation of Brooke.

Could you support me for the following models ? Thanks !

C: I am doing my thought download during 5 minutes on my document in Google Docs. Brooke has indicated in the video to take a paper and a pen.
T: I did it wrong as I do not follow the recommendation of Brooke
E: Unsure
A: I am not doing my thought download every day, I am struggling to find my routine, I am overthinking
R: I do not benefit from the thought download practise

C: I am doing my thought download during 5 minutes on my document in Google Docs. Brooke has indicated in the video to take a paper and a pen.
T: It does not matter how I do it
E: Determined
A: I do the thought download as soon as I can during the day and each day
R: I will benefit from the thought download practise