Thought Downloads after a year, not scared

My first year or so had many thoughts and beliefs to work through- drama, manuals, helping, people pleasing. Other people were in my models for many months. Many months.
But this month the thought download I do every day has changed. There isn’t much aggravated content to get out on paper. My intuition tells me my thoughts have gotten cleaner. When some situation bubbles up or “goes against the grain” of my core self… I stop and address it right then and there, trying to be vulnerable and connect, admit when I am wrong and admit I need help at that moment that things become unclear. At the same time, I’d can make changes to my beliefs if they need to be looked at more closely without a struggle within myself. No problem with change or picking myself back up.
With some research (Google) I’ve begun to do Journal Prompts on self discovery and personal growth. Bringing these into a Model doesn’t really make sense. Am I missing with connecting with some aspect?
QUESTION: Should I make a change in my thought down load?
This last year as a SCS was amazing.
I’m not bored or on edge or over eager to push for something. Just Letting it be.
QUESTION: Should I be pushing for more failures? (My company needs to dismantle the 401k I created 2 years ago; there is a cost and decisions to make. Going to change focus. Spoke with COO. Technically, my learning moment.)
My failures aren’t scaring me lately.