Thought/Feeling Ladder

I’d like help on how to go from the Unintentional Model Thought/Feeling to Intentional Model Thought/Feeling please. Feeling a lot of resistance in my chest when trying to force myself to hop from the first to the second so it’s clear that I need time to sit with the feeling and transition to something neutral before moving to a constructive model.


– C: Blood testing revealed vitamin and mineral deficiencies and infections
– T: I feel like a failure because I let my body develop deficiencies and infections.
– F: Ashamed
– A: Load myself up with multiple expectations that everything has to improve within a week, creating unsustainable plans
– R: Continue to get weaker


– C: Blood testing revealed vitamin and mineral deficiencies and infections
– T: I now know why I am tired all the time!
– F: Hopeful
– A: Follow the exact plan that the doctor prescribes. Follow up at the set time to ensure supplements are working.
– R: Increased energy, improved health