Thought work for physical pain

For the past 15 years I have had medical issues that impact the time I am able to devote to my career. Not physically able to devote the time I would like to yield my desired results has at times left me feeling upset with myself. I am doing thought work on any emotional blocks I am physically holding and on the negative thoughts I have about not being available the way in which I would like to be.

The following is an example of my thought work on not being well enough. Any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much!

C – Excruciating pain keeps me in bed at least once or twice a week
T – I am not putting the time I need to put into work to get the results that I want
F- I feel like a failure and hate being dependent upon my husband
A – When well I try to do as much as I can
R – Not having what I want

C- Excruciating pain keeps me in bed at least once or twice a week
T- I am doing the best I can under the current circumstances
F- Self-compassion
A – Use opportunity in bed to give my body what it needs and when I am able devote time to work
R- Gratitude and Acceptance