Transitioning my business

I am pretty high up with a Health and Wellness MLM company. My business has been at a standstill for about 18 months and I am not satisfied with where I am in the company. I concluded that I needed to offer more value to my team and my customers to create something that they would want to be a part of and stay a part of for the long haul. So, I starting including weight loss coaching and have found that I am really good at it. How exciting! Right now, I have 65 women (and one man – lol) in at private Facebook group and we are seeing amazing results. My first group ran mid-september to the end of October. It was fantastic! I decided to start again and many of the participants rolled over into a holiday weight loss group. This group started November 1st and will end December 31st. I teach them HOW to lose weight. The ticket to enter the group is the purchase of one of my blood-sugar stabilizing products (roughly $80 a month). They either buy from me or they are on my team and are buying from themselves. I have many of my sidelines involved as well – at no cost. As part of this group, people can do one-on-one coaching with me, also at not cost. I put a tremendous amount of work into the group. My thought is that this is a resource for my teammates to help them grow their business, which ultimately helps me grow my business. It is also a great support system for them and my customers. Since I started doing this in September, my business has sadly remained at the same plateau so I am not sure it is helping me achieve the growth I want to have in my MLM business (may be too soon to tell).
I want to transition this service into a business, where I am getting paid for the coaching and where the sale of my product is just part of the process and optional – instead of being the entrance fee for the coaching. In my mind, I currently have it set up backwards.
I am listening to your podcast about How to Be a Life Coach. I am setting up a website, working on a logo, and getting the infrastructure put in place.
My biggest fear is that I will shift my focus away from my MLM business and miss out on the potential that could have (even though I have focused on that for 3.5 years and am not where I want to be). Do I listen to this fear or do I just go for it?
My second questions is how do I transition the people I am working with FOR FREE into a paying situation. Do I keep the free group coaching and offer one-on-one coaching they have to pay for? The timing for a change is perfect with the New Year.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate your guidance!