Trouble finding my why or why’s and life direction

I am struggling to get out of a rut with unemployment, career direction, under earning, life satisfaction, and purpose.

I want to live my best life. My focus, distraction, and avoidance definitely need work too.

In my second session with a coach, I was trying to come up with goals like “land a job that makes over 100k”, but realized that I was really uncertain about if I had valid or strong enough whys.

Are there good exercises for determining a strong why?

Some of my main whys are:
– I don’t want to be embarrassed about how much money I make or what to talk about when people ask what I do
– I want to own a good house with more privacy and space, with the ability to have more guests over.
– I want to thrive and not be always anxious about money
– I want to be good at the work I am doing without burnout in toxic work environments
– I want my wife to be happy, safe, and comfortable so we feel better about starting a family
– I want to do satisfying work that matters (doing good for people and helping rather than hurting)
– I want to be free to do more exciting things, travel more often, and have more experiences
– I want to be more of a good-natured badass with life and work where I can call more shots and make competent strong decisions more often

Are these whys strong enough or specific enough?

I feel like earlier in life I had stronger dreams and directions. Now I feel like I have fallen out of momentum and relevance to the world, and it seems to compound more and more. I avoid or have trouble getting a clear and intentional path.

Thanks for any help.