Trying to choose a focus for September!

I am trying to decide upon a focus for September and have several directions I could go in, namely something in service of these overall goals:

– Becoming fit (I recently lost about 50 pounds, thanks to Stop Overeating, but now I want to increase fitness for better daily function)
– Getting a novel published (I have one more round of edits to go through on my MG book before I want to send it to the next batch of agents AND I need to choose my next project)
– Building my Business Communications business (corporate writing, bus comm training and coaching) in order to make the money I want for Life Coach School Certification, funding kids’ college and some other house improvements. This one could go in a lot of directions–creating a training product of my own (right now I am a sub-contractor to a large training business, teaching their programs). Pursuing business coaching certification. Trying to find a new editing client (lowest money potential for that one).

They all seem worthwhile, but I can’t seem to decide what is most important. Also, within the second two options (publishing and building my current business to make more money), there are so many directions I could go in! I know intellectually that the overwhelm is an indulgence, but so far I am not getting past it. I don’t know what to focus on!

And I am very interested in getting certified as a life coach, but I worry that that is the wrong call, too. Ack!

FYI, the purpose I came up with during August was “Through my writing, words and actions, I awaken people to possibility, joy and fullness.” Sadly, I let my August travel schedule and some unexpected health problems with my father steal much of the time I spent on self-coaching this month. I would say I did my daily homework on half of the days in August, a personal low since joining scholars in Feb.

I just scheduled a tutoring call with Suzy for mid-Sep, but was hoping for some help in getting focused in the meantime so I can hit the ground running in September!
