Trying to move on

I’m trying to get over an emotional affair I am having with someone. I was using him to buffer from a lot of issues surrounding my marriage, and I fell for him more than I expected I would. I know that my feelings for him are derived from my thoughts about him (I feel connected to X. X ‘gets’ me), but it really is time for this to end so I can work on my marriage, rather than avoiding it. It should be easy, as he’s not emotionally available right now, but I’m still having a hard time. It doesn’t work for me to try to think that he’s a jerk or anything because he’s not. I’m trying to work on a few models, but I can’t seem to get one where I wind up moving on… Thanks for your thoughts.

C: in a relationship w/ X
T: My relationship w /X is over
F: Anxious (Sad? Disappointed?)
A: Embrace feeling anxious?
R: Still anxious…