Two Kinds of Anxiety

Can you please give suggestions for managing anxiety? Right now there are 2 kinds that I am experiencing.
First, I am going through perimenopause and sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with both hot flashes and generalized anxiety.
The flashes and the anxiety can be intense, recently to the point of feeling like a panic attack.
For this- I have been taking several kinds of action steps to work through the hormonal changes etc. but still feel the discomfort of the feeling even though I am aware of the likely cause.
Second, in a few days I will be taking a 3 week trip abroad with my husband and in-laws. I am feeling anticipatory anxiety about this- as I often do before a big trip. Also, because we will be trying to keep my in-laws comfortable and healthy in this journey and lastly because I can experience pretty intense anxiety on long plane trips.
Do you have suggestions for shifting from anxious to calm that can apply to any cause? Do you have suggestion for air travel related anxiety?
Thank you so much, coaches!!