Unlocked Belief

Hello! I was just doing some work around a thought. My goal is to increase my income and also pay off debt. I asked myself – Why do I think getting my debt paid off will make me a better human? And it came down to – It won’t but I won’t feel ashamed. Why do I feel ashamed? Because accomplished people don’t have debt and they mange their finances well. Bingo!

C – Debt Amount
T – I am failing because accomplished people don’t have debt and they manage their finances well.
F – Ashamed
A – urgently try to get out of debt, beat myself up for how I spend my money, beat myself up for not being accomplished, spend to feel better, judge myself and others around how they spend money, should the heck out of myself, not stick to the budget or set it up for failure
R – Still have debt & struggle with finances = failing

If I do a turnaround on this thought, it’s actually really funny – I am successful because accomplished people do have debt and they don’t manage their finances well.

I do want to move towards refining success and accomplished for myself. I could be a success in regards to this situation because I found a way to pay for my education. I could also be a success because I manage our finances and I’m learning to see it differently.

“Accomplished People” have money, no debt, have a nice house, are intelligent, have nice things. How could I redefine accomplished for myself?