On Weight Loss, Friends and Opinions… oh and Clothes

I have lost over 40 pounds and I have about another 30 -35 to go. I’m 5’2 and I’m currently at 153. Am I right saying another 30-35?
Friends that haven’t seen me for a while are surprised. While other just don’t realize how much weight I have lost. I was finally gathering the clothes that don’t fit to give away. Yes, I asked that question last month. A friend who sees me every day was over and said why not keep a few pieces since I will gain the weight back.


I had to explain to him that this was his thought and opinion and not my reality, but because of my own hesitation of getting rid of the big clothes, I know this thougth was in my own head. I mentioned to him that he also didn’t believe me when I did my first triathlon 5 years ago. Yes, he isn’t the biggest supportive friend.

Model me please…

C: I have lost over 40 pounds and I continue losing weight.
T: If I get rid of the big size clothes I will need it again
F: fear
A: Eat
R Gain weight and reinforce the thought

C: I have lost over 40 pounds and I continue losing weight.
T: Getting rid of clothes that don’t fit me
F: Openess and space
A: Continue what I been doing for the last 6 month. buy clothes that fit and feel good (not many since I’m still losing weight!)
R Continue to lose weight

A crowded closet isn’t going to put food on my plate!