What if a challenge comes up in the course of your goal

I am 60 years old, newly divorced and retired. I joined the SCS in June and have recently made VIP. I joined because I have had a life long struggle
with my identity. Your program is helping me in many many ways. The daily thought download and Models for each month are a godsend to taking all of the crazy thoughts out of my head and giving them structure so I can see them.

This identity struggle is really magnified now that I am 60, divorced and retired. I want to have something to be about. Which I realize is a Circumstance, and Thought, etc. But my current hot issue is that my mother has cancer and was living at her home in another state. I offered for her to come to Houston to go to MD Anderson for a second opinion. She did come and has now decided to stay and have her treatments in Houston. This has opened up a bookload of thought work and models for me. I am taking her to MD Anderson at least 2 to 3 days a week now.

Especially since the December topic is on 2019 goals. I was working on my goal of working as a real estate agent – since I have a license but have not actually began my career out of FEAR of the unknown. Thoughts range from; I’ve never done that before, other agents are smarter than me, the clients are smarter than me, I could make terrible mistakes, I am not good at math, etc. It is a very perfect challenge/goal for me … But currently seems out of reach since it required lots of prospecting, selling, writing contracts, etc.

I do not know how long my mother will be with me here in Houston, etc. So far as time goes on, it looks like it could be for several months, etc.

I feel totally paralyzed, and wonder if I should challenge myself to brainstorm on other ideas, or ways that I could pursue the Real Estate Goal while she is in my care.