Husband doesn’t get my entrepreneurial vision – he’s losing confidence in my ability to make $$ in biz

I’m at a crossroads in my business. My husband has stood by me and supported me for the past 2 1/2 years. I’m growing each year, but it’s not anywhere I was hoping at this point, and I know it’s because I’m playing small. I’m not going all in on investing in the growth of my business, and I know that the key to that is FB ads.

My husband looks only at the current situation, and cannot envision anything beyond it. He looks at the bottom line which is the bank rickety account! This is his main focus, which has turned into lack, and a “what can we cut back on” and “you have to figure something out soon or get a job” mindset.

I KNOW 100% that if I go all in (which I haven’t yet) on Facebook ads to grow my business, that this is the way to grow. I’m totally confident with my FB ad training because I’ve already seen past success. It’s truly life-changing and I know this to be true.

Here’s why I’m not taking action and going all in on the FB ads – FEAR that my husband will absolutely freak out and say no. He’s ultra conservative and doesn’t want to take chances, and he has recently revealed that he wishes I never left my 6-figure job because of our current financial state. When I was working in my past job, I was the main breadwinner and we had the luxury of disposable income which made our life comfortable, and it allowed me to save a year’s worth of expenses so I could take the leap with my biz.

The plan (this is where I could really use the encouragement):
A.) I will create a budget for what I will spend on FB ads over the next month.
B.) I will borrow this money from my IRA but not share this with my husband. (it is not a joint account. It is a rollover from a past employer 401k)
C.) In one month I will re-assess, and if zero sales are made, plan B kicks in to figure out a new game-plan.
D.) If I break even on what I borrowed – YAY- put it back into the ad spend
E.) Payback IRA after I’ve surpassed the break-even point.

The BIG Q: is it wrong to not share my plans to borrow the money from my IRA with my husband with this plan in place?

He doesn’t understand that if I go all in and borrow this money, it will be an investment towards making so much more revenue. He doesn’t get the world of digital marketing, and doesn’t even use Facebook! The way I see it: if I go all in with FB ads, it will be an absolute game-changer for my business.

Thanks in advance for clarity on my question. 🙂