2017 Gratitude & 2018 Question

Dear Brooke,
I’ve been in scholars since January and have loved it. You have created a masterpiece. I set 3 goals for 2017:
1. Lose 25 lbs – complete in June

2. Expand my coaching experience in the corporate world. I am a FT executive at a large domestic company (who is also a certified coach). I pitched a leadership development program in February. Started the program in April open to 160 people. It’s been such a success we’re expanding it to the entire division (1,800) next year …boom!

3. I wanted to earn the next big promotion. We just announced my new role this past week… woot!

Thank you for you and for scholars. Your program helped me take everything up a level, get my mind in line with my dreams and work through making it happen. A sincere and heartfelt thank you.

My question… I am struggling with my 2018 goal(s). I want to use the next two years to test and learn so I have the choice in two years to quit if I want to and run a successful leadership and executive coaching business. It’s two years as my son is a junior and there are some advantages to stay where I am for two more yrs. My challenge is I am limited to the marketing I can do on FB, with people at work etc because I’m an executive at my current company and side businesses come with a lot of constraints at my level.

I know the program i will be leading and expanding in 2018 will be a great learning experience so it’s ‘on path’. I thought perhaps a 2018 goal could be to earn $5k a mos doing individual coaching. In some ways it feels big enough as my time is tight and when I run the math of what it would take in my time and how I am limited in ways I can market. In other ways, if I was only building my business I would set an annual goal of $1mm+ within 2 yrs. But, I know I have limited time to devote to my practice while I have my current job. Which, I am fortunate to enjoy. I just know if I can be this successful making money for a company for this many years, I can do it for myself.

I’d love some perspective. I want to blow my own mind again in 2018… it’s so fun to see what is possible!