A Fascinating Day…

Hey Brooke! So finally, Monday, after lots of thought work – I made an appointment to get a physical after 15 years of not going. Awesome experience and they were to call with lab work. Yesterday I get the results – and EVERYTHING came back great – except cholesterol. Borderline high. Come back in 3 months for re-check. (My favorite were the instructions I got when they called with the results: “Make sure to eat right, exercise, and lose weight.” Um, ok. I do 30-minutes of cardio 7 days a week, lift weights daily, I’m 5’9″ and 130# soaking wet, and I eat a very constricted protocol of intermittent fasting – chicken and veggies … so I’ll jump right on those life changes.)

SO — today, the day after … I kind of did the OPPOSITE of what I was supposed to do. My brain said “This is Pain” – so I pretty much ate all the food. We don’t have a bunch of “bad” food in the house – but I found a bag of garlic and onion croutons left over from Thanksgiving and secretly ate them in my home office. It also doesn’t help them I’m also ACTIVELY working on creating a new high-end program for a completely new business – and having to do thought work throughout the day to keep moving it forward. (BTW, today’s VIP call REALLY helped me on this. I’ll be re-watching ASAP.)

My Question: It’s 5PM after a lot of negative, been-a-long-time-since-I’ve-done-this binging. Normally, my brain says “You screwed up today. Do whatever the hell you want between now and bed and we’ll start over fresh tomorrow.” But I’d like to start over fresh now. Even though most of the day is “gone” and I’m exhausted.

I guess I should do a model. Obviously my current thought will create the result of actually doing whatever the hell I want between now and bed. So I guess a model would be in order – regardless of whether the work day is done or not. Hmmm…

I’m curious: On days like this – I feel like I could spend an hour doing models. I could easily do a model (or a few) on thoughts around my cholesterol. And then LOTS of models around my fear around creating this new program. What do you recommend when you’ve got multiple things going on that could use models? Model them all? Eat all the croutons? Thanks! 🙂