Accessing What’s Really Going On


I’ve had my business (career coaching and resume writing) several years and left my full-time job in the spring of 2011. This many years later, I’ve yet to make as much money in my business as I made in higher education ($70k).

I went through your Money training as soon as I joined SCS in August and have done all the things you said to do. I’m super excited about your entrepreneur training.

I’m having difficulty accessing the root thought that is resulting in not making enough money. Further, I don’t want to just make “enough” money, I want to be wealthy.

I’m fantastic at what I do; my clients love me; I’m super organized and action-oriented. I have a big vision for where I want my business to go and believe I’ve been put on this planet to serve a much larger audience. I’m very clear on my niche.

Where do I go from here?