My action list is all of the same things I’ve already been doing

I’m working on my list of 25 items that will bring me closer to my impossible 2018 goal. But here’s the deal – all of the things on my list are things that I’m already doing, just not perfectly. So how do I create a list that will truly step things up a notch? Because at my current rate, my goal really IS impossible.

My goal – lose weight. (Weigh 148 by June 1, to be more specific.)
My list – stay on protocol, experiment with protocol, daily thought downloads, reread the material, etc. etc. etc.

What am I missing? How do I change – intensify, upgrade – what I’m already doing to really create the impossible?

Funny thing – It’s taken me several weeks to figure out how to make my goal feel genuinely impossible. Moving the end date from December 31 to June 1 is really what did it. I think I really could lose 65 pounds in a year. But to do it in 5 months? That feels ridiculous.