Behind on work and wondering if I am over scheduling or just making excuses?

I would love some help with the September homework. I read the materials and an in a moment of Brooke inspired gusto immediately picked “get caught up on all July and August Weddings”. I have 10 of the 13 weddings left to do and I mapped out everything for max efficiency. It comes in at 110 hours of concentrated work. Sounds like a lot, but was thinking who cares, get shit done, lets just do it. I quit drinking completely 9 months ago and I don’t buffer, and I’m trying to figure out if I’m in burnout or just overwhelmed. I doubled the number of weddings I normally do this year with some 3 wedding weekends which is physically and mentally challenging. The weeks for the last few months have seemed to fade into one another, with each week bringing 1-3 new weddings, and I come home and add them to the pile and feel like I’m drowning in unfinished work. Prior to June I was on a 100% completion kick, which felt great. Then wedding season kicked in and I rescued a Boston Terrier and he’s been a (wonderful) project, but that’s when I started to get behind on finishing up the weddings. I’ve never had this many unfinished projects in the studio. Also, in addition to my full time business I teach part-time, and school started yesterday, so while I had intended on working on projects for 4 different clients, I worked on school prep from 8-2pm then went to teach. When is it excuses and when is it that I’ve over scheduled myself? I have a problem saying no to things and sometimes my schedule gets messed up as a result of this. I’m wondering if a more healthy September goal would be to carve out work time and not let anything interfere. Since as I understand it the goal must produce a result, I chose to finish 10 weddings, which is a little insane considering teaching and additional weddings this month (one in hawaii so looking at basically finishing 10 weddings in 3 weeks). Not to say I can’t do it, but is that going to just jack up the stress level? When am I making excuses and when am I just over scheduling myself?