Bonus Box

Hey Brooke,
I have been listening to your podcast for about 3 weeks. And I finally decided it was time to join Self Coaching Scholars!! Yah!!
As I was watching one of the videos I heard you say that you don’t acutally send out the bonus box internationally. I am Canadian. I was wondering if this is still the case? If so will I have to download and print off all of the booklets? I would love love love to somehow help bring this to canada, I was most interested in the weight loss portion of your podcast, But would like to say I have listened to them all and have been telling as many friends as possible.! What I love most, is how simply you explain things. I am all about that!! It would be disappointing if we couldn’t get the books, as I certainly would feel more comfortable with them in my hand. I will not let this deter me from taking massive action on the program though. I am so stoked to start the scholar program. My main focus will be weightloss for now..but my goal is to one day come the life coach training program with you! I never been in the coaching of therapy business. But have always had and ear and desire to help people with there issues. Helping people has always made me happy. When I feel the “REAL ME”. Especially listening to there issues and tring to help them with it. This program is my way of doing that so much better. First things first though, is the work on myself ! So I guess after all the ..the question is . Do we actually receive the books or just online only.
Thank you for making this program , just wish I had found you years ago.
Tammy Price