Candy bar

For some reason, I’m very hungry today and I’m craving a candy bar. So I did amthought download and model on it after revisiting it for two hours.


I’m hungry. I’m craving a snickers. Ive put it off for 2 hours. It’s driving me nuts. My stomach is aching for it. I want to not have it. I want to have it. I can taste it. I feel the crunchiness of the nuts.

I can do hard things. I’m trying to wait it out. Ride it out. Drink more water. It’s insane how strong the desire is. I’m doing the work by coming here.

C – candy bar
T – I want it
F – hungry/ desperation
A – waiting for it to pass
R – thought loops about eating it/resisting it

C – candy bar
T – I can do hard things and not have it
F – restless/desperate
A – not have it. Do something to take my mind off of it. Drink more water
R – changed thoughts and not eat it.

Fast forward – it’s 30 minutes after the model. I talked on the phone and took a walk. The desire is still there just not as strong.