Can’t stay out of a relationship

C relationship

T I need to be in a relationship or I feel I’m unworthy.
I have no one who can support me and love me for the rest of my life.
I feel like I’ve failed in a relationship, and I want be find someone who I can have special connection.
If I find someone good and special, I can feel more safe, secure, and energized so I can perform better.

F lonely, anxious,sad (sometimes)

A waste my energy, Contemplating on if I have someone I can be much more focused and perform much better on my work and dreams.(Not that I’m not doing the work, but I feel like I can do much more with a greater energy)
Waste my energy trying to find others when I should be using that time on my growth.
Make wrong choices like meeting the wrong person, rushing into being involved in a relationship

Meeting a wrong person –
Missing out on an opportunity where I can fully love myself outside a romantic relationship.

What can be helpful for me to break this cycle? Thank you