Casually drinking husband

Hi Brooke,

I’ve been in scholars for over six months. Thanks for the VIP love. The experience has been great, but I admit I am only using a fraction of what you give to us. That’s about to change. I’m ready to get everything I can out of your amazing work. I just set up a google spreadsheet which I have bookmarked so I can run models in neatly typed boxes. I’m excited and I think I’ll do more this way since I like filling in boxes, and I’m on my computer a lot. I’m looking forward to an app someday for all things Life Coach School!

So I have something that consistently bothers me, and tonight I decided to run a Model on it. My husband doesn’t drink very often, but when he does I don’t like to be around him. It’s extremely bizarre because he’s actually more open and talkative when he’s drinking than when he’s not, which I would think I would like, but I get annoyed that it takes alcohol for him to open up like that. Here’s a look into the models:

C Husband Drinks
T I hate that it takes drinking for him to open up
F Angry (based in frustration)
A I get annoyed with him and turn him away
R I waste the opportunity of him being more open

C Husband Drinks
T This is an opportunity to get to know him better while his walls are down a little
F Excitement (based in curiosity)
A Lean into him, not away
R Get to know him better

Would you change or address anything here? This was actually the second model set I did on this topic, I could probably do a few more, but this one feels like the center of my frustration. Maybe there’s a little piece of me that is afraid I’ll start to like him better when he’s drinking, which I definitely don’t want.