Chest to bar

I had a competition Saturday. The 6 best girls could get in a competition group to train together. I really wanted to get in that group.

I thought I didn’t get the level I needed to.
When I saw a WOD with Chest-to-bar I starter to cry and got myself in the mood of “you are not gonna get in, you are so lame”
During the WOD I continued to cry
When I did get my firsts Chest-to-bar, firsts of my life, I did not believed it. I told the judge “it was no rep, I didn’t touch the bar” the next one same thing. I need another judge to yell at me that it was rep.
So people were yelling for my victory and I didn’t hear it.

The result is I did get some chest to bar and I finally did get in the group.

I would like to believe more in my capacity to progress and to get new gymnastic skills. My coach wasn’t happy with me crying and being in that bad mood.

Any thoughts on how to get over frustration or disappointment? I don’t want to do that again. Thanks