Circumstance or a thought? (Part 2/ my response)


Sorry for the delayed response, I needed to reflect on your suggestions. Unfortunately, I default to the victim role and have been working on changing that, and apparently still have work to do. I agree they are the perfect managers for me to grow my management skills and believe the work below will improve my executive presence. I hate to admit that I thought over delivering and producing good work would be enough. After the thought downloads and modules below, I realized that at my level in the organization I need to be professional, manage my manger and other stakeholders better and demonstrate executive presence. It’s about time I matured and grow both professionally and personally. Thank you Brooke, I appreciate you and all you do.
1. Original module
C. had a boss
T. My last boss micro-managed everyone and always looked for problems to fix when there were very few
F. not trusted
A. took it personal
R. took a lateral position in another department
1. Revised module
C. had a boss
T. She was ultimately responsible for the final product and can control the results any way she wants
F. understanding
A. Communicate with boss and learn her expectations and insure the final product is up to her standards
R. become a better employee and future manager
2. Original module
C. Boss made a comment
T. I have to defend myself
F. Fearful
A. act aggressively
R. be defensive and unprofessional
2. Revised module
C. Boss made a comment
T. She can make any comment she wants and I don’t have to take it personal
F. content
A. Continue over delivering and growing into the best version of me
R. Personal and professional growth
3. Original module
C. Given administrative and clerical duties
T. I am given duties below my pay grade (to teach me lessons that I feel my manager does not have)
F. devalued and resentful
A. be resentful
R. upset and not professional
3. Revised module
C. Given administrative and clerical duties
T. Just another opportunity to prove I can kill this and still do all my duties. Perfect opportunity to sharpen my planning skills and accomplish it all.
F. Strengthened
A. Continue to work hard and get better
R. Grow personally and professionally
4. Original Module
C. Boss asks questions about the work and makes corrections after work is complete
T. I am being micro-managed
F. upset and frustrated
A. act aggressive or passive-aggressive
R. appear unprofessional and immature
4. Revised Module
C. Boss asks questions about the work and makes corrections after work is complete
T. She was ultimately responsible for the final product
F. understanding
A. As a professional I need to gain her trust, communicate professionally, learn her motives and how to reduce her concerns and communicate more frequently on the status of projects and obtain her feedback earlier and often.
R. Grow professionally and grow my management presence
5. Original Module
C. I am the only finance person in the department
T. I know my stuff more than boss does
F. frustrated
A. resentful
R. Frustrated and not the best finance person
3. Revised module
C. I am the only finance person in the department
T. I am the subject matter expert and it’s my duty to have my department, chair and manager succeed. My duty is to prepare them for all questions possible by communicating with them often and alleviate as many worries as possible.
F. Purposeful
A. I am the subject matter expert and it’s my duty to have my department, chair and manager succeed. My duty is to prepare them for all questions possible by communicating with them often and alleviate as many worries as possible.
R. Professionally set our department to succeed.