Confrontation anxiety

I have a situation (circumstance) where one of my staff has quit. She has 4 weeks to work out her notice. When she told me, my reaction out loud was “good!”. (There have been some performance issues recently) Which she hasn’t responded too well to. Oops. She has since accused me of all sorts of rubbish which I know is just reaction and what we call “kicking the cat”. However MY reaction to her reaction has been an old favourite of anxiousness, butterflies and trying to hide beneath my desk when she is around. Now, I own the business and I am 60!!!!

I have thought downloaded and find I am justifying a lot of what I have said and done. Quite happy with all of that. Not happy with feeling like a schoolgirl when the bully is around.

Fortunately not running to the wine bottle or food to comfort. Just looking for the peaceful easy work environment I prefer.

Appreciate your response.