Creating Content

Hey Brooke,

I was hoping to get some direction here.

I am in the health space, I don’t have any clients at the moment. I am a brand new solopreneur.

I have an Instagram where I used to post about my personal weight loss journey.

I have gone from doing crazy dieting, obsessive counting and extreme workouts to eating 3 times a day, listening to hunger cues and now just walking and learning how to enjoy my workouts instead of doing it to beat myself up (burn the food off). From 227lbs to an unhealthy 132lbs to now a healthier weight of 160lbs that I have been able to maintain.

That is everything that I have documented on my Instagram. I had moved away from Instagram for about 4 months now, so its radio silence on there.

Im serious about starting my coaching business and having 1 on 1 clients.

My goal is to start creating content on Instagram again and start on creating content for a blog for my website so that I can get people on my email list.

My question is, when first starting out with your business, what type of content should I begin talking and writing about?

Instagram and blogging would have different approaches, I know that.

IG would be a daily posting and blogging id like to do weekly. I know you tie in your podcast information with your scholars work.

I am wondering if i should do the same where Instagram content leads to my blog content.

thanks brooke
