Decision I am not aligned with


I have a decision to make to take a new position or to take the financial package that is offered to me. Here are two unintentional models I have worked on and I feel that this is where I am at now. I notice a lot of critical judgement that is coming up and would appreciate your guidance in order to move forward.

Model level 1

C: Covid. Firm restructuration. Offer to take a new post or to take a financial compensation. Decision to make by Wednesday
T: whatever I decide this is not 100% my choice
F: Detached
A: Do not try to find out where I find myself in this equation
R: Not actor of my choices

Other thoughts that came up doing that model: My work is not valued. Judgement on me the last 3 years. I feel guilty about all the things I do not have time to do.

Model level 2:

C: Covid. Firm restructuration. Offer to take a new post or to take a financial compensation. Decision to take by Wednesday.
T: I feel guilty about all the things I will not have time to do
F: Guilt
A: rumination, regret things I will not do, lose mental time, do not pivot , do not think about choice I need to make.
R: Arguing with what is

How is whatever choice you make 100% your choice?

By believing that it is not fully your decision, puts you in place of giving up your power to your circumstances. This is totally optional.

There is nothing in your life that you have to do. You get to decide how you will build, respond, and create. You have all the power in your Thought, Feeling, Action, and Result Lines.

How might this circumstance be working FOR you instead of against you?