Don’t need your help

At my job, one of the supervisors said in a zoom staff meeting that he had received a great suggestion from a Team Leader to create an orientation for new staff. After the meeting, I told this supervisor that I wanted to work on this new staff orientation. I had been there for 6 months. It’s been said that our department has high turnover and they don’t have an effective training program. My supervisor directed me to Gina, a team leader as the person who made the recommendation and had ideas about how it could be done. I met with Gina over zoom. She had great ideas such as bringing in people all over the hospital so social workers would have a better idea of the programs available. I offered to help. She said she was co-leading the project with Maxie & they were meeting later that week. I asked to come to the meeting. She said no because it was going to be the first meeting. I thought it was odd that she was turning down my help. I said l would follow up.

A week later I saw Maxie and I asked how the meeting went. She said they had a great meeting. I asked what they had decided. Her response was, “well we are getting started.” Five to six weeks later, I asked how the new staff orientation planning was coming. Her response was, “really good”. I asked what was planned. In short, I didn’t hear a single idea or anything specific. It’s been 4-5 months since I offered my help to the Team Leader. I have been here for 11 months. My thoughts: TL was BS and I don’t understand why she turned down my help. There is so much to learn and the newer employees often remark about the inadequate training. To be honest, I wish I had the mental fortitude to make this happen. But I don’t have the drive anymore. I am focused on working with my clients and having good relationships with my team and other co-workers since that is how I am learning my job.

I just wanted to have neutral thoughts or thoughts that serve me about Team Leader and Maxie. Right now whenever I see their name or hear them speak on zoom. I automatically think of them as liars. Any suggestions? Right now I am trying to get another department head to meet with me on zoom and after 3 requests, nothing has been scheduled. I will be a Whole Health coach in her program after I get certified. In a nutshell, I am frustrated because I have a manual for my co-workers. Would appreciate some coaching on this issue. Thank you!