Eating expectations & hurry

Hi. Sorry for my lengthy question. These 4 models represent in detail different steps of what happens before during and after a meal accompanied by tension and worry. The crucial point to me here are self expectations. I didn’t hear Brooke discuss about them so much. Are they ever helpful? How do I get aware of them? Should I drop them completely or set them differently? Thanks A LOT

## Unintentional – A
– C Exercised before lunch. finished lunch at +1.5 hunger scale. Most of my days I reach +2. Allowed deprivation. The food I have planned for dinner is the same as when my lunch leaves me >2 hunger scale
– T I might not have enough food for dinner
– F concerned
– A create a expectation(=manual) for how my fullness will evolve through dinner
– R make myself dependent on external things for how I’ll feel

## Unintentional – B
– C Dinner. Expectation(=manual) saying that my body will ask for sure for all the food on protocol. At 2/3 of my meal feeling full and bloated
– T My expectations are well justified. This must be some incorrect information.
– F distrustful
– A put more food in my mouth even if my body is not asking it in the moment
– R overfull

## Unintentional – C
– C Dinner. At 2/3 of my meal feeling doubtful: conflict between expectations and sensations
– T Once the meal is finished it is finished, I will not go back and restart eating again. I need to take a decision quickly on whether to eat more (risk: feeling overfull + shame + beat me up) or not (risk: feeling deprived + resist) and put an end to my meal now.
– F hurried (+worried)
– A the safest choice (avoid feeling deprived + resist): eat more and end the meal
– R the meal continues in my mind well beyond its actual end

## Unintentional – D
– C overfull
– T I didn’t listen to my body
– F shame
– A beat me up
– R I don’t take good care of myself