Entrepreneur Pricing Help

I”ve wanted high-end coaching clients and as of this weekend, a potential high end client made an effort to get my info and contact me. At an event this weekend I met a father having personal challenges with his two adult sons stemming from a divorce with their mother of 5 years ago. We chatted for a bit and he really valued what I brought to the conversation- since it was a social event, I shared that I was a coach, but never gave him my info- he got it from a friend and contacted me Tuesday. The circle of people at the event were all financially very well off and successful- this man owns his own company. I VALUE what I do and I am VERY good at it and my dream is to charge at least $150 an hour and require a 3 month, pre-paid coaching commitment totaling $2400. My motivation in charging for 3 mo upfront is to have the client make a $$ commitment to achieving their dreams rather than leaving room to back off when things get uncomfortable or hard. I’ve never charged this much before nor have I ever asked for this kind of commitment. I need a sanity check regarding this pricing AND, if it’s reasonable, help getting my thoughts aligned with this goal. Thanks!!! 🙂