Examples of aligned models

Hi Coaches,
I am diving deep into Brooke’s concept of “Aligned models” from podcast episode #232
My goal is to lose the last 5lbs and weigh 120. Currently I am doing the urge jar on and off and I am fluctuating between 124-126.
Are my aligned models below correct?
Model #1
C: scale says 120 lb
T: I am able to exactly differentiate hunger and boredom
F: clarity
A: Eat only if really hungry. For any urge, ask if I would eat an apple, if answer is no, then its an urge.
R: I stay at 120lb

Model #1
C: scale says 120 lb
T: Its easy to allow myself to feel hunger.
F: powerful
A: Believe that what I am eating for meals is enough to fuel my body. I have all the energy that I need. Its a myth that more food gives me more energy.
R: I stay at 120lb

Do I just create more models like that? Could you elaborate on the practice of aligned models?