Feedback on call

Hi Brooke

You do not know me as I am very new to Scholars. I have spent days devouring the details of as many of your seminars as possible as I believe that there is something there and I have been thinking and thinking “what is my meaning”, “what purpose is great enough”?

Today on your call I had a Mind Blown experience. I have a purpose!!!! It scares the crap out of me. It is not going to be easy…

Anyways I just wanted to say thank you for what you have created and sharing it with everyone. I knew this was going to change my life, but this is REALLY going to change my life and I cannot wait!! And seeing today, real people and how everyone is in a place….wow…that was probably one of the most powerful things I have been apart of.

Thank you so much….Words cannot convey how truly appreciative I am.

Angela Wigand