Feel taken advantage of by influencer “coach”

An online personality I’ve participated in workshops with before offers a virtual retreat experience and put a high end price tag on it. However, attendance was low and the quality of interaction was extremely low and when myself and another participant finally brought it up they blamed us for it and said we should have said something earlier, we shouldn’t have had our children around during the workshop (even though they had theirs) and that they stopped teaching the promised material because they thought we “didn’t seem that into it.” I requested a partial refund and have received no response. It was a very expensive workshop and I’m now having a LOT of negative thoughts about it and especially about myself for purchasing the workshop in the first place. I feel I have no legal recourse and need to suck it up and never give any money to anyone else again. Not realistic I know, I would just rather have the money back to buy a new laptop. I hate myself for choosing this experience over something useful, because I feel like for $2500 I should have received *something* of value. They’re definitely not “over-deliverers”. 🙁