Foggy at Work

C: did not evacuate in the last 3 days, bloated, sleepy, foggy at work
T: I do not deserve to feel this way
F: victim
A: try to push the sensation away by resisting them, contracting continuously my abs
R: Resist don’t feel, make the experience worse

Intentional model

C: did not evacuate in the last 3 days, bloated, sleepy, foggy at work
T: I DO deserve to feel this way. I want to learn to live with this
F: acceptance
A: watch and do less
R: open up to the sensation

With this model I stay in a more watchful mode and slow down. My question is: when does acceptance turn into indulgence? If I “try to stay committed and focused” I feel like I am going into willpower mode. At the same time “stay and watch” is not ideal for longer periods. Suggestions? thanks