Generate emotion question

The house is for sale… a buyer was found in a week with an offer of $400k over ask. Yay! Now we’re still in negotiation a bit back and forth, but almost there. BUT I’m having a hard time finding the next house at the right price etc. I have been learning A LOT and tons of emotions and feels. Feeling the feels which I know is the reason you specifically created this months theme. Right? 🙂

I was listening to your podcast episode #138 feeling on purpose. I keep having a problem with the question on the homework “How can you generate this emotion for yourself today.”

How can you generate Focus? Determination? Clarity? (is that an emotion?)

I’m working on focusing on my regular work so I’m not spending my entire day focusing on searching for a house, etc. I’m creating a course (yes, you told me to do that months ago) So I’m doing it NOW. Webinar goes live in 3 weeks and it’s going to be a weekly workshop course will be after that. That’s what I’m working on and the emotion I want to create is focus, determination, etc.